International student competition in furniture and interior design
The contest originated as a tribute to the life-work of professor Halabala whose name is closely associated with the field of furniture production of the passed century in that time Czechoslovakia. The main idea of this event is to support the quality improvement of students’ works and to create a space for confrontation of creative ideas on an international level in long term. The intention is also to influence the development of furniture and interior design indirectly, to mention the role of a designer and support the communication among students and professionals. The Contest in Honour of Professor Halabala has been formed as a Czechoslovak contest in recent years – only students from the Czech and Slovak Republic were participating in this contest. Czech partner of the event: Mendel University in Brno.
In 2013 the 9th international contest will be open also for the students from other countries of the European Union for the first time.
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Previous Years
The competition was attended by high school students studying in the field of design of furniture design and interior design with their projects.
Announcement of results and opening: 05.11. 2015
Duration of exhibition: 05.11. - 29.11. 2015
The award of Professor Halabal has been a Czechoslovak competition in recent years - only students from the Slovak and Czech Republics participated. The Czech partner of the event is the Mendel University in Brno.
In 2013, the 9th year of the competition was first opened to students from other European Union countries..
Prof. Halabala prize took place in accordance with the Statute of the Competition in Zvolen and under the auspices of the Rector of the Technical University in Zvolen, prof. Ing. Ján Tuček, CSc. The competition could be attended by students of high schools focusing on the design of furniture and interior with their semester, bachelor and diploma theses in the following categories:
1st Category: Furniture Design
2nd Category: Interior design
3 rd Category: Furniture design (final work of 1st and 2nd grade)
4th Category: Interior design (final work of 1st and 2nd grade)
5th Category: Conceptual design
The competition was evaluated on the 9th of November 2011 at 17:00 at the premises of the Slovak National Gallery at Zvolen Castle
Exhibition of competitions: November 10 to 27, 2011 SNG at the Zvolen Castle
Traveling Exihibions
An exhibition of furniture and interior design presented in 2014 in five European countries a selection of the best designs from the 114 projects that took part in the 9th edition of the Professor Halabal Award. A series of six reinstallations promoted the competition and became an information preparation for the announcement of its next year in 2015. The competition projects offered to visitors of the traveling exhibition an overview of the level of semester and final works from thirteen universities focused on teaching design as well as information about the possibilities of study at these schools . The presentation in the form of a traveling exhibition created a space for the furniture and interior design.
text: Mgr. Elena Farkašová
The Exploration Exhibition featured a selection of the best competitions that took part in the 7th International Student Competition of prof. Jindřich Halabala.
In 2012, the traveling exhibition reinstated the best work in towns and cities in Slovakia and abroad, where the designs, their authors and schools were promoted, and the results of the competition were made available to the general public. The exhibition was visited by almost 5000 visitors. Young successful designers have been given the unique opportunity to present themselves as well as their school, almost throughout the year in 9 cities and in 5 countries to confront their work at a wider international level and receive feedback from the professional and lay public. Several projects have shown interest in the producers.