Admission procedure for bachelor study:
The admission exam consists of parts verifying the creativity and talent of the candidate, complex design skills (including technical creativity) and a test to find out his / her orientation in the subject, respectively. his knowledge and knowledge of art, architecture and design.
The test consists of the following tasks:
Task no. 1 Drawing by reality
Task no. 2 Design of a shape and technical solution of a furniture element (design, drawing, basic technical display, model in scale).
Task no. 3 Test of knowledge of visual arts, architecture, design and visual-spatial imagination.
Task no. 4 Design of interior design (design, drawing, basic technical layout, mass spatial model).
Selection procedure for master's study:
- the number of credits earned in the previous study
- Portfolio of the candidate's work
- personal interview
Selection procedure for doctoral study:
- Written language test (the candidate will state the language in the application for doctoral study)
- from an interview before the commission. In the interview the candidate demonstrates theoretical knowledge of prescribed subjects and subject of specialization - depending on the chosen topic. Questionnaires for each subject will be sent to the applicant after the application is closed, together with the invitation for the admissions interviews
Consultations for applicants for study
Department of Furniture and Interior Design at the Technical University in Zvolen. We offer consultations for applicants for study on our study program Furniture and Interior Design.
These can usually be held on Thursdays (from 1:00 pm) and / or on Fridays (9:00 am) or on other dates as agreed. When requesting a consultation, it is always necessary to indicate your proposed consultation date, time of consultation, discipline from the area (mention also pedagogue) at least a week before the event. The consultation is carried out after confirmation of the addressed pedagogue.
Tenderers of the consultation can sign up for email at or by calling 045 5206396 (from 9.30 am to 2.30 pm). Alternatively, you can search and reach the pedagogue directly through the university phone book or through the University Information System.
Art disciplines
doc. PaedDr. Peter Kožuško, ArtD.
Mgr. art. Katarína Boborová, ArtD.
Disciplines in the field of furniture design
doc. Mgr. art. Marián Ihring, ArtD
doc. akad. soch. René Baďura
Ing. Miroslav Chovan, ArtD.
Disciplines in the field of Interior Design
Ing. arch. Martin Somora, MA
Ing. Anton Stolár, ArtD.
Ing. Zuzana Tončíková, ArtD.
Ing. Iveta Melicherčíková
Theoretical disciplines
Mgr. Elena Farkašová, ArtD.